Items you have chosen to purchase are listed below. To change your quantities just change the number in the box and hit the Update button at the top. If you change your mind on an item you can delete it with the Delete button to the right of the Item name.
We accept major credit cards and PayPal for your convenience. You do not need a PayPal account to use your Credit or Debit cards. When you go to the payment window in PayPal you will see a link to checkout using your credit card. Just use that link and check out like you normally would; during the checkout process please add text to area "Add Instructions to Seller", such as domain-names you would like to register, or any special handling needs.
NOTE: Be sure to choose the appropriate Shipping Location for your order below. Choosing the incorrect location for your order's destination will delay the processing of your order in most cases, and may result in multiple transactions needing to be processed. Credit card address is used for shipping address if otherwise indicated in the payment form.